mercredi 17 janvier 2024

Working with Cassandra in native PHP

When working with Cassandra in native PHP, you'll typically use a driver like php-cassandra to interact with the Cassandra database. Here's a basic example of how you can ensure data replication using native PHP:

1. Install php-cassandra:

composer require datastax/php-driver

2. Establish Connection and Configure Replication:

// Load the Composer autoloader require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Cassandra connection configuration $cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->build(); $session = $cluster->connect(); // Keyspace configuration with replication $keyspace = 'your_keyspace'; $replicationFactor = 2; // Adjust according to your requirements // Create keyspace with replication strategy $query = sprintf( "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS %s WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': %d}", $keyspace, $replicationFactor ); $session->execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement($query)); // Set the keyspace for further queries $session->execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement("USE $keyspace")); // Example: Create a table (replace with your table structure) $tableQuery = " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS your_table ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR ) "; $session->execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement($tableQuery)); // Example: Insert data (replace with your data) $insertQuery = " INSERT INTO your_table (id, name) VALUES (uuid(), 'John Doe') "; $session->execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement($insertQuery)); // Close the connection $cluster->shutdown();

3. Testing Replication:

  1. Check the Cassandra cluster status using the nodetool command in the Cassandra installation directory:

    nodetool status

    Ensure all nodes are up and running.

  2. Monitor replication using nodetool:

    nodetool describecluster

    Verify that the replication factor matches the configuration.

Note: The above code is a basic example. You should replace your_keyspace and your_table with your actual keyspace and table names. Additionally, handle exceptions and errors appropriately in a production environment.

This is a basic example, and for a more comprehensive solution, consider using a framework or library like Symfony with Doctrine when working with databases in PHP projects. These tools provide abstractions and features that simplify database interactions and replication handling.

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